Dear Minions!
So much for the weekly updates eh? Yeah, sorry bout that! A lot of stuff has been going on here lately and I just haven't had a chance to keep up!
For starters! I had to give up on the Keytones :( I lost 8 lbs in the two weeks and haven't gained it back since I stopped taking them about 2 weeks ago, yay! The insomnia was starting to get to me and it's very difficult to regulate your sleep patterns when you don't know from one day to the next when sleep will come to you! Tried out Hot Yoga with my friend and nearly died!! The yoga part was fun but I am not a heat person! We were nearly at the end of the session and as I tried ( emphasis on TRIED through out the entire class! lol) to assume the Rabbit Pose I nearly threw up and passed out! Craziness! I can totally understand the appeal of Yoga, it's very relaxing and quite an intense stretch/work out, but the heat? Really? People enjoy that?!?! So that is the weight loss/health portion of our update :)
Secondly! On Monday I'm starting a new job in Alliston, working in a parts warehouse across from Honda.......... Thrilling, I know. Hence the need to curb the insomnia since I'll have to leave Barrie at about 5 am to get to the plant for 6:30 :S Such an ungodly hour! But we'll see how it goes, full time work at better than minimum wage? At this point I'll take it! Still going to work at Fabricland in a much diminished capacity, but I will never abandon the fabric!! It's time to bust my butt and get rid of those student debts lol :)
Thirdly? I have recently acquired a romantic attachment :) Things are going very well so far :) Lots of cute cuddly stuff and warm fuzzy tinglings :)
Finally, some of the most exciting news! Received a shipment and the production is going well so.............. Dainty Lace and Spiderwebs will soon have it's Facebook launch and our shop on Etsy will follow shortly after!!!! Monster and I are very excited to get this endeavor underway as it has been a long time coming! We will have lots of cute homemade goodies for sale! Since Good Friday is a holiday we will be taking the ENTIRE day ( my day starting at 5 am :S) and work on the tea cozies, a few stuffies, and possibly some aprons! The photo shoot will commence Saturday morning and the shop should be launched by mid April :) Very exciting! Side note to this announcement, I am now addicted to Dr. Who! It is very conducive to the manufacturing process :) So, much more crafting is ahead of the Monster and I :) Good times :)
That's pretty well it for this post! That's all the excitement that has come my way in the past month! And no more empty promises of content, merely a warning: When I have the time I will most certainly post and include pictures of any lovely adventures ( since the warm weather is finally upon us!), but when things get hectic (which they may be for a few months) I may fall silent :( I will try my best! Until next time my darlings!
Keep kreepin'!
Missa Deadlove xoxo
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